My books are available on more sites

 It's been a while since I put up a blog and for that I truly apologize. 

Life likes to throw curve balls at me. The latest is having to go back into the workforce full-time.  Something I thought I would not have to do. This has put a damper on my writing and practically shut down my wedding business. 

But I persist.

My published books are now also available on Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, and Rakuten Kobo; in (addition to Kindle an KU.). You can also purchase my books by using the links on my website. Paperback is not available yet, but perhaps in 2023 when more stories are available and you can buy the majority of the series, I will see where sales are.

Beef Witch You 

More stories are coming from Forestdale.

Kissing in the Rain 

I have 2 more stories in the works for my Forestdale series with possibilities for more.

I have started working on a new series that I have teased on IG and Twitter which will be at least 3 - 4 books in the series. 

Ginnie Transformed hasn't seen a lot of love from me recently but I do want to finish it up. I might even query it to publishers since it is quite long and I am not looking forward to editing it.  But I don’t have a large following yet, so I will probably end up self publishing.  The first five chapters I posted on online reading sites are about 100 pages of reading and did quite well with beta readers. Offline, I have written 30 chapters so far and am keeping the remainder offline until it is ready to be published. 

It is nice to see a few dollars coming in from Amazon. I thank the readers that are finding and reading my books. More sales would help motivate me in getting the stories finished faster. Did you know that I have a story on Kindle Vella? I am holding off writing more chapters until I can see that I am getting reads for what I have already posted.

Amazon is a big place and I am a fleck of dust in the grand scheme of books out there trying to be found by readers. 

I read a little of my wips in Twitter spaces and on my discord channels. There is a link tree on my Twitter page. I would much rather write stories and perform weddings than work for pennies on the dollar for someone else, but there are bills that need to be paid regularly and unsuccessfully marketing through "pros" have done nothing but suck me dry of money.

Follow me on Twitter,  Facebook, TikTok and IG to see announcements for what I am working on next and snippets and teasers. I may do an ebook give away soon for reviews or sign up to do a blog tour.

Who are some of your favorite NA and Adult bookstagrammers, blog tour companies and book reviewers.  Maybe I will reach out to some of them. 

Thanks for reading and happy holidays!


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