Not much writing


This month, has been full of doubts and depression.

I got a few good reviews for some of my stories but then all of a sudden, Wattpad takes down Kissing in the Rain.  I had just over 1600 reads which was the first time I had reached over 1k reads on any of my stories.  I even had an overpriced book cover made. 

That whole situation really stung. But I decided to wear it as a badge of honor and put the entire story that was better edited on Inkitt where I am almost up to 600 reads in under a month. I didn't edit the last story. I will before publishing. 

Here's two encouraging reviews. I  am getting reads and votes, but I wonder if people aren't leaving a review because they don't want others to know they are reading erotic short stories. 

Do other writers of erotic works have the same problem? 

Anyways, Beef Witch You is done just need hard edit and formatting. I want to publish more than one book at a time because I want the freedom of writing whatever I want and not be known for just erotic writing. Beef Witch You was a little more difficult to write sans the sex but I managed to keep it to sexual tension, innuendos and non descriptive romantic scenes. I learned that writing serialized fiction gave me a  deadline to have a chapter done each week.

You can some of my writing on my website  
Serialized works in first draft on 
Wattpad  under VNytes 

I am on IG, FB and Twitter if you would like to connect there.1

November is nanowrimo. How many of you are taking part? Is this your first time or are you a veteran of the event? Do you have any advice for newbies?

Thanks and Happy Reading!


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