July writing update


It's late July my lovely readers, and I am once more sick. 

I got fully inoculated in June and still got sick. Ain't that some B.S!

Yep, got fully vaccinated and did my first larger wedding. This was originally booked in 2019 for 2020 so it was a long time getting to this point and they were an amazing couple from New York. I brought masks with me but proceeded unmasked as were pretty much everyone except the food staff. We had to wait under the large gazebo for almost an hour for the rain to stop and guests complaining. The wedding was a smashing success on my end, earning me another stellar review and 5 star rating, Woo-Hoo! 

But less than a week later I am in the emergency room, now on steroids, antibiotics and something for the coughing up bloody yellow phlegm. Feverish one minute, Freezing the next. Had to wait two days to get the correct antibiotic ordered, cause once more doctors don't listen. My throat was so raw, I could barely speak so leaving several voicemails and talking to the pharmacy really taxed me. Had to get another Covid test still waiting on results. I feel like death warmed over. I still have to provide care for my MIL. I am working on trying to get some help because when I feel this bad it makes an already difficult task even more daunting. 

All that aside, I have been working weekly to release a new chapter of my newest work in progress called Beef Witch You. I have been successfully adding a new chapter of between 3500 to 3700 words on Fridays on Wattpad and Saturdays on Inkitt for the last 4 weeks. Once I got sick the story and the effort to write stopped flowing, so I am taking a few days to get better then diving back in. I have already left messages on both sites that the next chapter will be slow coming due to being ill.

The reason for this blog is because I was doing some rereading of a scene in Beef Witch You where Savanah Knights cautiously tastes some food Officer Stone has prepared for her and Officer Ford. What I really envisioned while I was writing it was her taking a small delicate bite, eyes stretching wide, her grabbing the plate and hunching away from them and shoveling multiple forkfuls of food in her mouth. Kind of like what they show in cartoons. That's what I really wanted to write, but I wondered if trying to make it funny would have been slightly outside of her sassy character. So I didn't use that piece of writing, just wanted you to have that image in the back of your mind as you read the story.

I did a bit of updating on the book cover for Beef Witch You. What do you think?



Beef Witch You updates weekly on Fridays on Wattpad and Saturdays on Inkitt

I am considering making this a short story series with books from each part of Forestdale, but we will have to see. I will be in meetings with new characters and ideas while I recover. Lol.

I also realized while running errand that I am listening mostly to Spotify playlists for books. Am I just a big old book nerd or what?

I read and connected with another author on Inkitt who wrote a serialized story called Mind Night Blue. by LPHarpdog. It is very erotic but the way in which the story is delivered, albeit, there are some editing issues, was a reading experience unlike I have had before. Every chapter was told in a way that was so full of meaning and emotion and sex....lots of sex. It was creative and through the three books told a well rounded story. Be advised by book two it may take a minute to get back into the rhythm as you will be wiped from book one. He also made a playlist and tells you when to play the song while reading. It enhances the experience.

I listen to music while writing; it does help with inspiration. I just add my song inspiration for each chapter at the end of each chapter. Gonna keep this blog short. I am going to get plenty of rest in between hacking up mouthfuls of bloody yellow phlegm...Ewww! 

Accepting only positive vibes and my prescribed meds to get over this illness and back to being healthy.

Here are some early reviews for my story. Yes, this is another #ShamelessSelfpromoWednesday I am getting closer to 100 reads please help me reach the goal, its a short story currently only 4 chapters. 20 minutes of reading max. Come on ! Help a girl out! 

Thanks and Happy Reading!

Smooches ~Venis Nytes

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