TIME LESS part 6


TIME LESS part 6 (first draft)

William and Taluk

"I have always loved her. She visited me somehow in her dreams. She was here. I was in human form because she wanted to touch me and I wanted to...needed to touch her back. I embraced her. That was the smell." William explained.

"I see..." Binne said, "How did she get here Taluk?"

"What? Why are you asking me that? I have always followed the rules. How should I know. I'm still trying to figure out this new life." William responded angrily. 

"Did you touch her in your deer form?" Binne asked again.

"Of course not." William answered.

"Think hard Taluk. Did you touch her in your deer form?" The Ruby eyed doe said in a voice that indicated that she already knew the answer.

Suddenly the stag's mind was filled with the scene by the road. Showing William that he had licked her ear or rather the stag had done so. It was the first time they had communicated in a long time.

"Why would you do that?" William angrily hissed at the stag. The Stag showed confusion as they did not speak the same language. He understood the feeling of anger.  He showed images of mating to William. 

Realizing the queen was still waiting, William bowed his stag's head in submission and said,
"Not on purpose. I am sometimes not mindfully present in my deer form and he licked her when she was kneeling at my memorial. I think he misread my feelings when I saw her there."

"You must take control of your deer form, make it submit to your will. Do you understand Taluk? You are still of two distinct minds. You must merge to work together" Binne came and stood close to Taluk. 
"Do not allow your Stag to touch her. He is impressionable as the rut has been denied to him for 2 seasons. You have to consider him in your actions." 

As an afterthought, Binne added
"I am here if you need me. All you have to do is call for me. You may want to abandon this folly of reconnecting with this human girl. You cannot stay in your human form for long periods of time, you may have a few days at most. You cannot speak to her unless she is in this time. Which is usually the time she would be sleeping; between Dusk and Dawn. What kind of life would that be for either of you? You accepted this gift. You had a choice. Nothing was withheld from you. I have given you much leniency but my patience has limits. I have given you strength,  nobility and made you a prince of the region. Yet you pine for the very kind that heartlessly ran you down without a backwards glance.
Do not touch her again in your deer form. You will only serve to torment yourself. Find yourself a doe. You don't want your stag to try to mate with your human girl. I assure you it will be traumatic. We are not mates for life. We do not mate for pleasure. It is a necessary biological action to perpetuate the species. Nothing more. Once fulfilled you can maintain your solitary path if you desire. In time Taluk, you will see, as I have, that it can be... agreeable."

With that, Binne, the queen doe of this region disappeared into the woods. Taluk grunted as he watched her hindquarters disappear into the night. His genitals swelling. William fought the stag to stand still  and finally Taluk stood by the lake, the moonlight glowing on his beautiful red coat. Steam rolled off his nostrils as he pranced and pawed at the ground. Taluk was not going to be consoled. Taluk had been denied long enough.

Off across the lake, a small doe appeared. She had just come out of the woods for a drink and was nibbling fresh grass shoots on the bank. Taluk zeroed in on her. Images of mating filled his mind and in a show of aggression, Taluk bellowed loudly and quickly approached the female.

"Oh no, no, no" William said, trying to show images of food and sleeping which had worked before. 

Again images of mating with the doe filled his mind. He was now within a few feet and felt warmth and swelling in his genitals. The doe emitted a fragrance that made William gag, but Taluk embraced. The doe rubbed herself against Taluk's flank. William saw his stag's resolve. A red haze filled his mind. A feeling of euphoria engulfed him. He felt the familiar extension of his penis. He watched as an unwilling third party, as the doe positioned herself in front of Taluk and steadied herself for the mounting.  

Taluk raised up and used his forelegs to hold onto the small female. William closed his eyes and tried to think of anything else but what was happening. Taluk's engorged penis slid into the doe and with powerful thrusts he mated. Deep inside Taluk, William gasped at the intensity of the sensation. He tried to picture himself with Celestina but the Stag's mind was only on the task at hand. The sensation all encompassing. He surged forward again and again hard into the doe reaching for release. In less than a minute, Taluk released his seed into the doe in a powerful rush and dismounted.  The young doe staggered slightly and with a brisk tail wag she wandered away back into the woods.  Taluk followed the doe for a while, mated with her once more, then found a spot to rest. Throughout the rest of the night Taluk mated with several different does, the sensation equally intense each time. Finally, exhausted Taluk settled into a peaceful sleep.

William however was not sure how he felt about the evenings events.  He felt bad that he had denied Taluk for so long. He also was having trouble reconciling that he had sex with an animal.  He realized in every sense of the word outwardly he was an animal. No longer a man, no longer human and no longer mortal. He no longer had a human body as his family cremated his broken remains. He would have not chosen that for himself had he had a choice.  

William was clinging stubbornly to his humanity. He kept trying to imagine himself with Celestina.
He imagined holding her and kissing her lightly. He tried to image her naked, kissing her neck and breast. His hand sliding down her belly feeling the heat between her legs and finally him entering her slowly savoring every inch of their connection but he could not hold onto the image long. All it did was fuel the need to mate in Taluk. Images of mating with does would fill his mind.

William decided when Taluk arose they needed to figure out how to merge and start working together. William felt more like a parasite on an unwilling host than the grand immortal that Binne said he was. Hopefully allowing Taluk to mate would put him in a better mood. William needed to see her again. He fell asleep just as dawn broke admitting to himself the loneliness that was swamping him had lessened a great deal.

To be continued...
 © Venis Nytes


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