TIME LESS part 3


TIME LESS part 3 (first draft)


Celestina closed her eyes when the clock reached 4 am and rolled over onto her back. She reached for the dream she had earlier, but it stubbornly eluded her. Her body felt flush as she imagined the man in her dreams above her looking down at her with eyes more beautiful than emeralds, kissing her neck and breasts. His lips full and soft against her body. In her mind she heard him breathlessly call her name. 

Goose pimples rushed along her skin. She lifted her nightgown under the sheet. Her nipples hardened as the cool sheets rubbed against them, she imagined his lips on her breasts and his tongue swirling across the taut peaks.   Her hand traveled slowly down towards her heated center. It clenching in anticipation. She was starting to swell and moisture was forming. She imagined him lowering himself on top of her and slowly entering her, stretching her as he went. Her finger slid into her opening and slowly moved in and out of herself at first. Soon, her imagination flared into a full on fantasy and her hand began working furiously, reaching for the climax. 

It all vanished as she heard the toilet flush down the hall and it brought her back to where she was. Her hands stilled, as she heard her uncle shuffle passed her door. She knotted the sheets in her hands in frustration and squeezed her thighs together to quell the building desire there. The remaining fragments of the dream were totally gone. Pulling her nightgown back down in frustration, she hoped she would have that dream again soon. Turning onto her side, she soon fell into a fitful sleep.

The next few days passed by without any weird dreams or feeling like she was being watched and she felt like the normal happy person she was used to being. Celestina spent her mornings jogging down by the lake after working out a few times with her Uncle Tyler, reading in the afternoons and gardening and cooking with her Aunt Rebekah in the early evenings. Celestina was relaxed and at peace. She took pictures with her cell phone of the country side and posted to her Tumblr and Facebook pages regularly. A few times she spoke to her roommates and was caught up on what everyone was doing.

Towards the end of the week, she rode into town and spent the afternoon taking in a movie and doing some shopping while Uncle Tyler and Aunt Rebekah stayed home and puttered around with an old mustang in his garage.

Over the next few days, she kept a look out for that deer but she did not see him again. Feeling a little adventurous, Celestina decided to go exploring. She set her gps on the phone to track her route and ran off into the woods. She came across a small group of deer after about 20 minutes and settled against a tree to take some pictures. After a little while she continued walking and came across an open field with high grass. There was a rise that led up to a hillside on the far side of the meadow. Celestina set out towards it but less than halfway there she stopped and looked back towards where she came.  Deciding she had gone far enough for the day, Celestina turned back to go home. Once she made it back to the house she picked up the bunch of fresh flowers she had got in town and walked down to the memorial. Celestina took the plastic and rubber band off the bouquet and lay them in front of the cross. As she was standing there a car slowed behind her and pulled off the road. An elderly woman got out of the car and approached her. She also lay flowers by the little plastic cross.

Celestina looked at her and met the very sad pale green eyed red haired woman who could only be Billy's mother. As she straightened, she took in the young woman standing by her son's roadside memorial.

"I am Barbara," she said, extending her hand, "William was,...is...was my son" grief flustered her words.

"Celestina" I said taking her hand." I am so sorry for your loss. I just heard when I came to visit my aunt and uncle."

"Your aunt and uncle?" Barbara echoed

"Rebekah and Tyler" I informed her.

Barbara's face softened and a twinkle appeared in her eyes. "You must be the Celeste that Billy talked about from the lake. I thought he had made you up" she said smiling and hugged Celestina.

"I have something for you from Billy but I don't have it with me today. I will be coming back this weekend on Sunday with some fresh flowers about 3pm. Can you meet me here then?"

"Sure" Celestina said. 

Barbara got back in her car and drove off, leaving Celestina to wonder what it was. Walking back to the house Celestina smiled and felt happy that Billy had remembered her too all of these years. The next three days went by slowly as she anxiously waited for Sunday afternoon to get here. She even accompanied her aunt and uncle to church where the preacher spoke on waiting until old age to start coming to church.

Sunday finally arrived. Celestina got to the memorial site early and brought fresh flowers. She noticed that some of the flowers were missing and assumed the deer probably ate them. The thought made her smile.  A few minutes after 3 pm the same car pulled up and Barbara exited, smiling. She put her flowers down as she has been doing every week and smiled at Celestina. She handed her a small bag. Inside the bag was a note that simply said for my Celestina and inside the box was a silver heart locket and chain. She could tell it was something he bought when he was very young but the sentiment touched her deeply. Celestina hugged Barbara and thanked her for bringing her the gift.

Later that night Celestina locked her door, opened her bedroom window and put the locket on before she went to sleep. She hoped that she would see him again in her dreams.

to be continued...

©Venis Nytes


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