TIME LESS part 2


TIME LESS part 2 (first draft)

1:30 pm Sunday
I wake up under the water in the tub and jerk upright so that my head is out of the water. Sputtering and coughing and splashing like a lunatic, I knock over the shampoo and body wash. I utter a startled cry. I am left with the haunting image of Billy's green eyes and an overwhelming feeling of loss.  I feel....I cannot quite explain what I feel. It's a deep yearning for something I cannot quite name. 

All the noise caused Aunt Rebekah to knock on the door to see if I was ok.
"I'm fine, just fell asleep in the water and scared myself" I said, embarrassed
"Ok, well come down and get some lunch" She says and I hear her go downstairs.

"You don't seem to have much of an appetite Celestina." Aunt Rebekah said after watching me push my food around on my plate for the last few minutes.

"Aunt Rebekah do you remember a boy named Billy. He used to be at the lake with a group of kids...." I asked

"Billy? Hmm...What was Carol's boy's name Ty? I thought it was something like Wilson or William" Aunt Rebekah asked Uncle Tyler

" Yeah that's right, Uh...William Franklin, I think they called him Billy when he was a kid." He confirmed "Damn shame though" He said shaking his head and putting a fork full of homemade potato salad and baked beans in his mouth.

"What Uncle Tyler?" I asked and waited for him to finish chewing and swallowing.

"He died about a year ago or maybe two" Uncle Tyler said " We went to the wake. He was not more than a year or two older than you. Hit and run accident. Never figured out who the driver was, so I assume it had to be someone not from this area, probably lost and not paying attention. He was jogging along the road apparently and someone just mowed him down. Probably too busy looking at their damn phone. He hung on for a few days in the hospital afterward but ....well, you know....He's probably in a much better place now.  It happened right about where you had your flat tire. You probably didn't see the balloons and such since it was dark out.

That deep sorrow grew in my chest.

"No, I didn't notice anything." I mumbled, then "Aunt Rebekah I think I am still full from this morning. I'm gonna wrap this up for later. "

"Ok well your Uncle and I are going to play bingo later tonight. Do you think you can scrounge up something for yourself for dinner?

"Sure. I just hope you have some stew left over" I said with a big grin

"Yes, there's some left" she said returning my smile.

After putting my plate in the fridge I went outside to sit on the front porch. Nothing much to look at except for the road and the forest beyond that. Aunt Rebekah had a nice garden on the side of the house. Maybe I will have her teach me some gardening while I am here. I decided to walk up the road to see if I  could find the memorial Uncle Tyler mentioned. As I walked the two lane road, I thought about what Uncle Tyler said and that haunting sadness came over me again.
Moments later my hairs stood up on the back of my neck again. I stopped in my tracks. I looked around but did not see anyone or any animals. I wandered into the middle of the road and walked the yellow line since there did not seem to be any cars around.
Trying to distract myself from feeling like I was being watched, I did a handstand and walked the yellow line on my hands for a bit. Then I thought I heard laughing. Startled, I crashed down on my elbow and scraped it.

"Ouch", it was raw and a few lines of blood appeared as I turned my arm this way and that, trying to get a better look at it.  I sat in the road and studied my skinned elbow for a few moments. Suddenly, I felt the road vibrate and jumped up to make my way to the side of the road. A small sports car roared by moments later. They blew their horn as they flew by. I continued my walk looking around trying to figure out where the laughing came from.

I heard branches breaking to my left. I looked up across the road and there was a deer. It looked like the one from earlier today but I couldn't be sure. It came out from the brush and stopped at the edge of the grass. Putting its head down it grazed. I continued walking hoping it wouldn't charge me. I did not want to be on the business end of it's impressive set of antlers. Up ahead I saw the little memorial. There was a plastic white cross and a few balloons and flowers. I looked down at the meager offering and wondered what really happened. Kneeling down I thought back to that first kiss. I reached out and touched the balloons and straightened the flowers, I put my fingers on my lips and closed my eyes trying to bring that moment into clarity. I thought if I concentrated hard enough....

Something just licked my ear. I snapped open my eyes screaming and swatting at my ear, trying to get away. I scurried backward crawlike. I stopped a few feet away as I realized it was the deer. I was frozen like a statue, afraid to move, trying to figure out what the heck had just happened. The deer had not moved. Just regarded me warily. I looked around without moving my head then slowly stood up. I did not know what to do so I did nothing and continued to stand there.  The deer took a tentative step towards me. He was still about 5 feet away from me. Up close his horns were massive. He was an impressive creature. Fear turned quickly to fascination. The deer took another step toward me. Then something must have caught his attention because he looked away to the other side of the road and quickly bounded away into the thick brush and trees.
I let out a sigh, not realizing I had been holding my breath the whole time. I kept wiping at my ear.
That was weird and kinda gross. I decided it was definitely time to make it back to the house. I had enough nature for today.

When I got to the porch, I see Uncle Tyler snoozing in one of the chairs. I sit next to him.

"A deer licked my ear" I said in a matter of fact tone

He opens an eye and sits up.
"You don't say, Gal" He said wiping his face. "Big buck with a nice set of antlers?"

"Yes!" I said, turning towards him expectantly.

"He's been coming around for about a year or so now. I think he looks after us. I catch him in the yard every now and again or see him standing by the side of the road when we get home late. You know it's the same deer because his eyes look green most of the time. Your aunt has the thing spoiled leaving a bucket of fruit and nuts for him around the back. You know I caught her talking to the thing like he understood her one time. She was fussing  in that garden of hers and the darn thing was just standing there grazing and eating nuts out of her hand while she talked away. She always wears gardening gloves so she won't end up with a hand full of deer drool. I tell ya, that woman". He chuckled. 

I swiped at my ear again.

"Hey what's that on your arm?" Uncle Tyler asked pointing to my elbow.

"Oh that, I was doing handstands in the road and fell over. Clumsy me. I should go in and wash it up so it doesn't get infected."

"You were doing handstands in the road and you think being clumsy was the worst part? You kids nowadays,  I tell ya..." he said, frowning then laughing.

Getting up, I went in the house. Aunt Rebekah  stopped me and looked at it and steered me in the bathroom and put some hydrogen peroxide on it.
Not pleasant.

I wanted to make sure I didn't have any deer ticks on me. I saw this show once on House where a girl had a tick in her vagina. Talk about eww....Ewww!
Aunt Rebekah gave me some ointment for my elbow and a band-aid.
I headed upstairs, took a quick shower and changed into a comfy summer dress. Tick free and refreshed I hung out in the living room catching up with my Aunt and Uncle until it was time for them to leave.

7:30 pm 
"The number to the bingo hall is by the phone in case of an emergency. Don't wait up. We will be in late. Lock up if you go anywhere." Aunt Rebekah said as she and Uncle Tyler made their way to the car.  "You know where the key is right Celestina?"
"Yep!" I answered.
Stopping, she remembered,"There is a nice little spot in town where some of the kids your age hang out on the weekends."  I smiled at the suggestion and thanked her. I really was not in the mood for going out. I sat on the sofa and watched Jeopardy. Alex Trebek is still on the show. Must have a lifetime contract.

10:30 pm
Around 10:30 pm I locked the screen and closed the front door. I turned off the tv and headed up to bed. Under the covers I was feeling snug and comfy. Soon I drifted off to sleep. That feeling of loss, still hanging on as my eyes closed.

In my dream....
I was in the woods walking and talking to the deer. But he was much bigger than the deer I have seen so it was more like a majestic stag. Towering over me, he was probably 9 feet tall at the tip of his antlers. His voice was a rich, deep baritone that was comforting and powerful all at once. I don't  remember  what we talked about,  but I wanted to run my hands through it's fur. It looked so soft.

"May I touch you?" I asked softly, my hand already reaching toward the mighty animal on its own accord.

The Stag stopped walking and turned his head to look at me. Pinning me with those startling green eyes. He positioned himself in front of me and bowed his head.

"Yes Celestina, but not in this form"

Before I could ask what he meant, a bright ball of light emanated from the stag. I staggered back covering my eyes with my arm. Then I turned to run away, not knowing what to expect.

"Wait!" He yelled out. The strength in his voice was commanding and I  found myself unable to run. I slowly turned around.
In a flash of blue and white light he took the form of a man.

"Holy Hell!" I  exclaimed.

A smirk spread across his magnificent face.
His eyes were brilliant green. His hair, red like flames, his face chiseled with a strong square jaw and dimples. His chest, biceps and abs were muscled like a Nordic god. He was barefoot and his jeans hung low on his hips.  He was somehow familiar, yet I was sure I had never seen anyone as magnificent as him before and definitely not that sexy. He was standing so close that my fingers felt like they were magnets being drawn to him. I placed my palm on his chest and then lightly touched his arms. They were all heavily muscled and well defined. My hands were shaking as they continued their journey back down his stomach and I think he felt it. I relished the feel of his abs through the white cotton shirt he wore.  He stepped forward and took me in his arms and kissed me lightly, reverently on my forehead and I heard him say my name as he held me close.

"Celestina" my name floated in the air around us on his magical whisper.

I lay my head on his chest. What could it hurt. I was dreaming  and I  may never conjure up a hunk like this again. So I  went with the flow...well at least I  tried to. His chest, it was broad and muscular but I did not hear his heartbeat. 
I raised my head and looked in his eyes. The unspoken question hanging in the air between us.

"It's been so long. I have been waiting for you. I was beginning to lose hope."

"I don't think I know what you mean. We have only just met and this ....this is a dream" I stammered, taking a step back and out of his embrace.

Something was wrong about this. I took another step back and looked around my surroundings.  Did I know this place? Logic started to permeate my dream. I could feel my chest getting tight, fear was taking shape inside me.

"Don't be afraid" He said "Do not fear me Celestina. I will never harm you. I will explain in time." He looked around then closed the gap I created between us and gathered me to him once more pressing his lips to my forehead. 

"I  can't believe you are actually here and I can touch you, hold you....How is this possible?" He mused.

"You know my name, but I do not know yours." I said with my face buried in his chest. I placed my palms on his chest to brace myself so I could push away again.

I looked up when he did not respond. I wondered if he had heard me. He was looking down at me, with something that looked like disappointment.

"You truly don't remember me." He stated more than asked, in barely a whisper.

His disappointment was deep, tangible. The unexpected shock of its weight in the air around us jolted me out of my dream and I was awake looking at the alarm clock.

It read 3:45 am.

I lay there watching the minutes tick away recalling the feel of my dream stranger's arms around me, the light touch of his lips on my skin until the clock read 4 am.

to be continued...

©Venis Nytes


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