TIME LESS part 10

TIME LESS part 10 (first draft)

William and Taluk

It was still dark. The night crickets were chirping and the moon was bright above the meadow. William awoke first. His wanton thoughts of desire, seeped through the flimsy cloak he had put up to shield what he was imagining about Celestina, inadvertently, rousing Taluk. They had not been by the lake in days. William was starting to get anxious. Taluk yawned and stood, shaking out the dust from his fur. Taluk left the shelter of the cave and crossed the meadow. Cicadas flew low between the trees, crossing the meadow back and forth in an age old mating ritual. When he was almost to the woods at the other side, Taluk stopped and smelled the air, then rooted around. He ate fresh green shoots and some bitter grass. He smelled cucumber and some other floral scent that was probably perfume. William smelled the scent too. She had been there. Was she looking for him? Hope rose in both of them. William and Taluk responded by moving forward at a steady gait.

As they walked to the house, William saw traces of the red haze starting in Taluk’s mind. He was wondering if he should be concerned or if they should head back to the forest so that Taluk could satisfy his needs. Before he could say anything Taluk spoke.
“Your needs are my needs” Taluk reminded him. “My needs are your needs. One mind, one body”

"I want...no, I need to approach her as a man Taluk, I need you to be on one accord with me" William said as they walked through the meadow.
"I understand William and feel your desire. We want the same thing" Taluk reminded him "We are one now, working together. It felt nice when she touched us." Taluk replayed the memory of their embrace in the forest.

William was concerned that Taluk might not keep his promise if he was able to become intimate with Celestina and he did not want to hurt her or scare her in any way.

"I will keep my promise human, I will not interfere, but I want to experience this sex feeling you keep thinking about, just as I have shared with you my mating." Taluk said honestly
William bristled slightly at Taluk using the word human as he did, but he did not know how to respond to that statement so he said nothing, made no promises and hoped he could control his stag side when and if the opportunity arose.

They passed through the woods and came out at the lake. Celestina's scent was all around the lake. "She must be coming here often to run." They thought simultaneously.  Taluk grazed and walked around the lake for a while. Anxious to get moving, William suggested that Celestina would not come to the lake in the dark. Taluk started thinking about nuts and fruits and headed towards the bounty at the house where he had seen Celestina.  Taluk walked quietly, ears twitching, through the yard, stopping briefly to consider the garden vegetables but William pressed him to go forward to the bucket. Once they had eaten the contents of the bucket William was ready to get started with the transformation before the sun rose.They walked around to the side of the house and looked up. Luck was with him, she had left her window open. There were two large trees on that side of the house. A large Eastern Red Cedar and a huge old Pecan tree. The branches of the pecan looked sturdy enough to hold him. Taluk agreed but wanted some of the nuts.

William promised to get him some. Standing in the shadow of the large tree William transformed into human form. He climbed the tree quickly and walked along the branches outside of Celestina's window. He felt good using limbs he was accustomed too. William climbed onto the branch that was closest to her window and cautiously edged along the thick branch.
He stopped short, his breath catching in his chest as she stirred and the covers fell away from her. There was something around her neck glinting in the moonlight. The thin translucent material of her nightgown showed the dark peak of her breasts and the v at her center. A breeze carried her scent to him like a fine perfume. A strong stirring in his loins surprised him. William looked down at the front of his trousers and pulled on the waist band. Stunned by what he saw, he let the band snap back closed. The Queen Binne had bestowed on him much more than immortality.  He sat on the branch and looked away to compose himself. He could not approach her in his obviously excited state.

"Nuts" Taluk said quietly into his mind.

"What?" William snapped, mild irritation in his voice.

"Since you are just sitting here, I would like to try some nuts... without the shell." Taluk stated with irritation of his own.

William was immediately remiss, this was such a simple request and Taluk not having the dexterity of hands was only asking for a small thing. William sent Taluk feelings of being sorry. Still a bit too stubborn to actually say the words.
William shook a few down and wondered how they would get them back to the meadow. He easily crushed one in his hand, surprised at his strength, removed the shell and popped it in his mouth. The taste was wonderful. He had not eaten or drank anything when he shifted before. "Mmmm, this is good" He said  Taluk agreed. He laughed out loud at the simplicity of eating and enjoying it like never before. William turned around to pick a handful more, his back to the window, unaware his deep baritone laugh carried on the night breeze.

To be continued...

© Venis Nytes


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