May 1 Sunday morning writing update

Sunday morning writing update:

My current WIP Ginnie Transformed is currently at 160,728 words, practically over 370 pages. I am only on chapter 29, and I still have more to tell in this story. I was surprised I had over 100k words. I would like to be able to get the story told in 200000 words. I am afraid it will be too long for a good portion of readers. I think I can do it. If not, I will just write until the story is told. I remember when the average novel was 4-500 pages.

I am not looking forward to the editing, but it's got to happen.
I worked most of the day editing chapter 12. Just randomly picked a chapter. I have no idea what I was thinking! OMG, it took all day, and I was almost in tears with frustration and ended up with more words than when I started editing the chapter. 4362 ended with 4476.

The hardest part is rewriting sentences. The second hardest part is when it tells me even fluent readers may struggle with the meaning of certain words. Trust me, the words aren't that difficult. I have read some books where it felt like I had to google every other word. My writing is definitely not that.

I will take a break from Ginnie and finish hard editing the last 3 stories in my short story collection. I have discovered that while writing is pretty calming, editing is making my anxiety worse. It's like me, a newbie writer, got a game (decided to write a book or two), I had little to no knowledge of how to play (write) and skipped the easy, hard, and difficult edit mode and went straight to come at me, Bro!

I only plan on writing chapter 30 of Ginnie this month. Who knows, I may get more done but definitely focusing on editing my novella and getting it ready for publication. According to Grammarly, my chapters are averaging 30 to 33 minutes to read. Ginnie Transformed is not going to be a one-sitting read. How do I feel about that? Honestly, I don't know yet.

My May Goals may seem lax, but editing is really strenuous for me, and if I set a smaller goal, I have plenty of room to overachieve it.

One of the little sayings on Grammarly is to err is human; edit divine.
They should have added make sure you bring wine.

Note to self: Make next books shorter.

Onward to more writing!

-Venis Nytes


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