The Ties that Bind part 1



The Ties that Bind... part 1 (first draft)

(A visual inspired short story in honor of #NationalBowTie Day)

I made eye contact with  him 3 evenings ago as we passed on the street. The smell of his cologne wafted through the damp air and clung inside my nostrils like invisible tentacles reaching between us. His heart sped up just slightly in that brief encounter, and I knew he was hooked. I kept walking, slightly faster, taking the decision away from him to pursue me into the rush of the after-work crowd coming out of the epicenter of glass and steel in downtown Metropolis Prime.

2 days ago, I found myself in the same coffee spot as him and flashed him a smile that was intriguing and shy.  Okay, who am I kidding? I placed myself at the same coffee house he frequented regularly.
He was standing by the creamer bar.

What a coincidence? he thought as he looked up and spotted me. Simultaneously lifting the liquid to his mouth. The words never quite made it to his lips as he sipped scalding coffee and burnt his tongue and throat.

I winced in pain as the heat from the fiery liquid caught me unaware in my throat.  Why did that happen? I shouldn't be feeling his pain. I am way too dialed into this guy.

"Dammit!" I yelped, startling several customers. "Ow!!"

At that precise moment, this idiot I was making my way past jostled his cup, sloshing hot coffee on my hand. The idiot apologized and immediately started handing me napkins.

" I am sooo sorry," he said "are you ok? Do you need some ice?" he asked in a sincere voice.
Taking the napkins, I shook my head NO, dabbing at my singed flesh, and attempted to continue my journey over to the baked goods counter.

" So ....Uh...Maybe I can make it up to you. Just write your number on one of those napkins..." He tried halfheartedly trailing off with a nervous laugh.

I turned on him like a barracuda smelling fresh blood in the water, giving him the evilest stare I could muster.

"How about I write my number down, and you have your wife call me," I said" I'll send her back when I am done with her, I promise." sneering wickedly.

The Idiot was about to make a remark but stopped, as he actually considered my threat for a moment.

Then I heard him. He laughed. A throaty chuckle that was masculine and sexy. A little scratchy due to his slightly raw vocal cords. He made his way over to me like we knew each other all along and "saved me" from my coffee house would-be stalker. The Idiot, seeing us together, looked momentarily surprised, then decided it was not worth the effort and left.

"Hi, I'm Noel," he introduced and sat in a chair just vacated by a patron who had one too many donuts. He immediately stood back up.
"It's a little warm still."

We looked at each other for a split second, and both laughed. The sting from the coffee burns momentarily forgotten.
"It's crowded. Maybe we can share a booth." He suggested.
We moved to a booth in the back, and we talked for about an hour over coffee and luscious creme-filled pastries—neither of us in a hurry to go anywhere.

A light rain started to fall outside of the shop. Pinging off the windows in a calming staccato. I looked out the window almost wistfully—a memory just at the edge of my brain. But gone before I could fully grasp it.

"What's wrong?" I heard it as if far away, then realized Noel was speaking to me.

"Hmm? Oh.. nothing," I managed, bringing my thoughts back to the present moment. "I like the way rain sounds. I got a little lost in the sound it makes."

God, I'd like to kiss her in the rain. Lick the drops off her ... whoa, buddy you don't even know her name.

His thoughts played like a soft porn movie in my mind.
Well, that's an interesting thought, and the visuals were stunning. You should really see this. My tits look amazing in his wet dream...pun intended
My body clenched in wet anticipation, and my nipples hardened visibly beneath my thin t-shirt. I bit my lip and closed my eyes to keep from letting a moan of primal need escape.

"Are you sure you are ok?" He said to break the silence I had once again sunk into.
"You know you haven't told me your name yet," He stated, looking at me expectantly.

"I know," I said softly, opening my eyes and looking him directly in the eye. Still not answering him sufficiently.

"Sooo...would you like me to guess" Noel asked

"No," I said after a moment, " you can call me 'K' like the letter. My name is Kelissa, but I go simply by 'K' ."

"Well, you won't be finding that on any mug." He responded, "How about if I call you "Lissa? I like the way that sounds'' He liked the way it rolled off of his tongue. The truth was, he was thinking about other things on her body rolling off of his tongue. Quickly dismissing the thoughts from his mind, Noel pursed his lips to blow on his coffee, which was now very much room temperature. It was simply a nervous motion.

"Lissa? No one has ever asked me that before. I guess it will be ok." I replied thoughtfully. That's because it has never been my name. I choose a different letter of the alphabet each time.

He smiled, happy he was making a connection. He said my name in his mind several times to make sure he remembered it.

"Can I ask you a question, Noel?"  He nodded as he took a big bite of his cruller stuffed with strawberry jam and whipped cream.

I demurely lower my head and eyes and ask him in an innocent yet sultry voice,
"Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? Traced raindrops down the side of a woman's neck with your tongue? Sucked on her pert little nipples through the soaking wet fabric? and then..."

A choking sound came from across the table. I stopped talking abruptly,  looking up.  Noel was looking at me like a deer caught in headlights. The cruller filling his mouth and the top of his throat, threatening to cut off his breathing soon if he did not swallow. He coughed, recovered, and swallowed. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, which he blinked away quickly.

I heard his heart speed up slightly then thud in surprise. His pulse quickened. Blood rushed to his member, causing an involuntary twitch, and he adjusted slightly in the bench seat across from me. He was glad he was sitting down and, for a fleeting moment, considered stroking it under the table.

"Funny you should ask that...It's like you are in my mind," he said, subconsciously dipping his head. "But no. No, I have not," he said, a little heat showing in his face as he considered possible partners with which he would have liked to do just that.
Awe, there is some pervy goodness to him.

"That's a loaded question for someone you just met, don't you think?" He asked, trying not to stare blatantly at my perky little buds pointing right at him.

"But Noel, I met you two days ago. Don't you remember?" I asked innocently, leaning forward, so my breasts rested on the table. "Downtown."

Of course, he remembered. He had such a visually erotic dream the night he first saw me that he unknowingly got both of us off.

" Uh..." He started, his eyes were drawn to my chest like magnets to the north pole. "I don't know,...Oh, wait yes. We passed each other on the street," he said to my boobs.

"Noel," I snapped my fingers loudly to get him to look up and break the trance he was in thinking about motor-boating my boobs.

His head snapped up, and he immediately looked ashamed. Dammit, she caught me looking at her titties. 
Never one to disappoint, I rolled my eyes in fake disgust and announced I should be going. After all, I set him up to fail. It doesn't matter how smart, rich or poor. They are all slaves to the desire for sex.

He looked remiss, and his brain went into overdrive, trying to figure out how he could meet up with me again.

"Lissa, If you are not busy tomorrow... I have this thing ....for charity..but afterward, we could meet here for a cup of coffee if you are free." Noel said out loud, 'Please, please, please, please, say yes' is what he was thinking.

"I'll see. What time were you thinking?" I asked. About 9:30, I nudged into his mind.
"I guess about 9:30 or 10:00 if that is not too late...I mean, if you are allowed out at that time of night," he added with a little more bravado than he needed.

"I am not on anyone's clock." I answered, "And Noel, sorry about the earlier conversation; sometimes I don't have a filter. Glad to know you're obviously comfortable with your own sexuality. That's refreshing."

"You can say whatever you want around me. It's cool" He wanted to apologize about getting caught looking at her nips but thought it better to just leave it alone. To be honest, he was a bit turned on by the little dirty banter. He was not a total stick in the mud after all. Yep, he is kinda decent. Maybe he is a good guy. 

As I stood up, something strange happened.
He stood up and opened his arms for a friendly parting hug. As I walked into his open embrace. I felt really weird. My gums had a small but persistent ache on both sides of my mouth, and I could now actually hear his pulse like the sound of a baby's heart in the womb. It seemed to be beckoning me. Taunting me. I was starting to feel a flush through my body and a little light-headed. Maybe I stood up too quickly. I leaned into his body for a moment to steady myself, savoring the hardness of his male form and giving him the quick benefit of my soft, firm one. Inhaling, I once more took the essence of him into me. This close to his chest between the sound of his heart and his pulse, it was deafening in my ears. My eyes seemed to blur for a second, and my stomach knotted as if I had not eaten anything. An almost overwhelming need for him took me by surprise. I breathed through the moment, and it seemed to lessen. I turned down the volume in my ears, but his pulse remained a little loud.  Another deep breath, and I seemed to get back under control.
Oh man, does he  feel good. But what the hell is going on with me?

Oh God, he groaned inwardly, smelling my hair and squeezing me tight against him. His body thickened slightly as we embraced. Maybe I can miss that thing tomorrow night, he thought.

Breaking from his embrace, I smiled and told him I would meet him right out front, weather permitting.  He politely air kissed my cheek, and we parted ways.

Across the shop, Noel nodded slightly when he saw his bodyguard, Cole, staring at him with thin, pursed lips. Noel Peterson sighed, dejected. Cole would probably have a lecture to offer up later if given half a chance. Turning back towards the window, he watched as Lissa disappeared down the block.

As I stepped outside the coffee shop, the last of the rain had tapered off and moved on. With some distance from Noel, I could barely hear his pulse any longer. The fresh rain-slicked street reflected the busy cars and pedestrians with HD quality. But my reflection seemed a bit dim, kind of fuzzy. I know that sounds stupid, but it does seem to be a little dimmer. Like some light within me is flickering out or possibly missing. With this in the back of my mind, I headed uptown to my apartment. I turned down the noise of all the jumbled thoughts in my head, along with the ones from the passers-by.  Some of these people are really fucked up.

Tomorrow. I just have to make it through tomorrow, and I can leave this place. I am so relieved I found him so quickly. The agency had just revealed to me who my target was a week ago. Sometimes it took months to get close enough to a target.

I just kept saying the same thing over and over. I was turning over the events of the coffee shop in my head, trying to figure out what happened when he hugged me. Who exactly was he? What had he done that he was on the Agency's radar?

Before I knew it, I was home. I scarcely remember the 7 blocks I trekked home. At least I hope I actually walked home. Sometimes I ended up places unexpectedly. I know I am changing. Becoming something...more..something else? I have taken everything in stride so far.

Most of it has been to my benefit. My hair has gotten shinier, longer, and thicker. I now have an incredible rack and have a few abs in my already tight flat waistline. My ass was already incredible, so you can't improve upon perfection. I started hearing voices about a year ago and thought I was going crazy until I realized it was other people's thoughts. I don't have to wear glasses anymore, and I seem to rarely get tired unless ..well... unless I have an amazing earth shattering orgasm, which has just recently become a very nice development. And I am able to make connections with people and sometimes I see them, into them... like the very essence of who they are. I feel a bit like a butterfly waking up after a long sleep. There are some downsides. They have a habit of showing up unexpectedly.  But let's not discuss those right now. I need a shower.

I really wanted this one thing for me. I need this one thing. Tomorrow if all goes right, I will have it. Before I  carry out the agency's agenda, I  will take a little something for myself.

Stripping off my clothes, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower. I brushed my teeth as the room  filled with steam, and then I stepped inside the glass enclosure. The water felt so good on my skin. I soaped up the loofah and lathered my body from head to toe, spending a little extra time on my chest, rubbing big soapy circles. I closed my eyes—the feeling of the abrasive fabric across my chest coaxing my flesh into hard points.

I could see him in my mind. He had just gotten home.  He checked his mail, put his keys in the bowl by the front door, and then too starting undressing and headed to the shower. His place seemed empty, not even a pet. As he turned on the water, his mind drifted back to the girl in the coffee shop.
Yes, He's thinking about me.
'Who are you?" he actually said out loud as he dropped his boxers and took a piss.
He got in the lukewarm shower and grabbed the shampoo to wash his hair. The sudden change in temperature made me shiver. I brought my mind back to my own space and continued soaping my body, watching the trail of suds and bubbles travel down my abdomen to my center and drip to the shower floor.

Not able or wanting to stop myself,
I reached out and peeked at Noel and was pleased to see he was well endowed. He was muscular and toned everywhere with bronze skin and green eyes. He was using the opportunity to conjure up the kissing in the rain fantasy and soon was as hard as a rock. He closed his eyes as his hand wrapped around his girth.

I smiled and looked a little deeper within, touching his mind, so I could feel what he was feeling. My hands soon found themselves between my legs, and I caressed my center, which was clenching in response to his long tight strokes on his cock. I rubbed the loofah over my breasts and pushed a finger inside. I swirled my finger over my clit until it was full and throbbing. Then pushed another finger inside, stroking the hard rise gently inside, and soon was making parallel motions to Noel as he stroked himself faster and held his throbbing cock tighter. The beat of water from the shower enhancing our already sensitive skin.

Noel's muscles tightened as his fantasy of kissing Lissa in the rain ultimately ended with her riding him while he held her up and pounded into her until she breathlessly crooned his name. Then he saw her look at him. Her eyes were luminous, filled with passion and lust, and he was undone. He shouted out coarsely as they started cumming simultaneously. Noel leaned against the shower wall spent. He was long overdue.

He considered asking her to join him this evening,  but he had let her slip away without any way to contact her.  He could simply look up her employee records since she was coming out of the Unadyne building but decided to let things play out naturally.  He wasn't  100% sure he was ready for anyone new yet anyway.

I looked up and saw Noel's eyes looking back at me, and at that moment, I, too, was overcome by the strength of my climax. Unable to help myself, I called his name over and over. My knees trembled and became weak, causing me to sink down on shaky knees to the shower floor, lost in the extraordinary afterglow and heat of the moment.

A small burst of energy radiating from her temporarily lit up the whole room. But she did not notice with her eyes shut tightly lingering in the last moments of her orgasm.

The aching in my gums seemed to be getting worse and pulled me reluctantly out of my reverie. Re- showering, I finally turned off the water, exited the shower stall, and grabbed a towel off the rack to dry my thoroughly warmed skin.

Tying the towel around myself, I walked into my bedroom.  I headed straight to bed. There was no bothering to get under the covers. In delicious, sated exhaustion, I fell across the king-sized bed and was asleep before I realized it.

To Be Continued...                        

©Venis Nytes
originally written Sept 1, 2015

Dear reader, this part of the story has been updated and is available on my website:


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