A 500 word short story


A Dark Erotic Horror Short

Evan never thought much about Ken after their one or maybe two hook ups. That was way back in his freshman year of college. He had a successful career and a family now.

He remembered bumping into Ken a few times throughout the past few years but Evan was a busy man. He didn't have time to hang out with Ken. He thought Ken looked like he had not changed much from college. He was always about to work on work on some thing big or in between jobs. Evan had a busy law practice and was soon to make partner. He only schmoozed with the right sort of people.  It was hard enough to get quiet time alone with his wife between the hours he worked and the kids.

Thinking back he had felt at times like he was being watched but brushed it off as being silly. He now understood why his tires had been slashed about a month ago and mail had been missing.

He wondered what he could have done differently. How could he have missed the signs? He considered himself a good guy, a smart man. Yet here he was. He thought about Vanessa. His gorgeous petite wife. He loved her. No questions or doubts. His twins. They were just turning 5.
What would they think?

Evan lay naked. Stretched out ,just to the point of uncomfortable, spread eagle. His mouth bound and gagged. His wrists and ankles chained to a large butcher's counter. Evan's muscles were beginning to strain, the restraints were taking their toll on him. His breathing was labored. beads of sweat covered his abdomen and chest. The chains were chafing his ankles.

He wanted to apologize. Ask to work things out, beg even. The gag quieted any excuses.

Large slabs of raw meat hung on large hooks down the center of the room.

To his right he saw the large machete and butchers knife, the tools use for slaughtering farm animals. To his left clear plastic sheets covered the windows, floor and walls
And directly in front of him... Ken.
He had Evan's rock hard dick and  his balls in his right hand milking them mercilessly in between laving his head with his thick tongue and sucking him brutally hard. The pair of large shears in Ken's left hand did not go unnoticed.

Evan had fought the inevitable for as long as he could. Ken was not making it easy on him. With tears in his eyes Evan surrendered to the overwhelming sensation and to his fate one last time.The last face he saw was Ken's, The last sound he heard was his own gurgling scream.

© Venis Nytes


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