
Showing posts from August, 2021

The eighth month

  So August is upon us. I set some lofty goals for the month. I posted this on some of my social media sites.  Here are my writing goals for the month of August: I have completed half of Chapter 6 of my ongoing story Beef Witch You  and hope to be ready to start Chapter 7 midweek while I finish up and edit Chapter 6. That is how I have been able to post between 3500  to 3700 word chapters weekly. Beef Witch You will be a novella. Eventually I  will write a novella for each sector of Forestdale.  They will be free and published on Wattpad and Inkitt. I think it's a good way to practice and improve my writing while slowly building an audience.  I invested a little into some marketing efforts to drive readers to my books on Wattpad. The effect over all,  has been minimal at best. I have gained some very loyal followers of the story which makes me happy.  I have also tried jumping on some writerslift or writerlifts on Twitter but again, it's slow...